From the director of Chasing Ice comes an epic adventure to capture our changing oceans.

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the issue
Between 2014 – 2017, Chasing Coral captured the most severe bleaching event in recorded history. During these years, 75% of corals suffered or died from heat stress brought on by climate change.
It is predicted that if nothing changes, by 2034 there will be severe bleaching events every year and by 2050, 90% of reefs could be lost.

take action
When our journey began, we knew that if we could capture visual evidence of coral bleaching, we could reveal the phenomenon in a powerful way.
Now it’s time to connect that story to action. Find out more about how you can get involved in bringing this story above the waves.

the film
A team of divers, photographers and scientists set out on a thrilling ocean adventure to discover why corals are vanishing at an unprecedented rate.
This film is the product of 500+ hours of underwater footage, coral bleaching submissions from volunteers in 30 countries, and support from more than 500 people in various locations around the world.

Chasing Coral released globally on Netflix in 2017, and continues to reach and inspire new audiences today. It has played at over 80 festivals and 3,000 community screenings in 100+ countries.
Join us in waking up the world! Get started with our Planning Guide for tips for in-person or virtual events.
“It’s not too late for coral reefs… It’s still possible to reduce the rate at which the climate is changing, and that’s within our power today.”
– Dr. Ove Hoegh-Guldberg